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Purchasing land in Costa Rica is a great investment. Tourism continues to increase annually, with most tourists opting to stay in private villas rather than hotels.Buy your own piece of paradise!


Costa Rica



Our in-house land acquisition team works with both land owners and land agents throughout Costa Rica to provide a market leading range of properties available for sale. 

Costa Rica Land Professional

There are a number of important rules and regulations that must be followed in order to legally purchase land in Costa Rica. Our property experts can help successfully find and acquire a plot of land in Costa Rica, ensuring all the legal and regulatory requirements are completed.




Real Estate Grupo provides the most trusted property development in Costa Rica. Our team have acquired land and built hundreds of villas in Costa Rica.
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Foreigners can buy land in Costa Rica, but there are a number of rules and regulations that need to be followed. 

There are also rules and regulations that must be followed in certain circumstances, such as renting out the villa as a holiday rental on Airbnb or other platforms. As with any country, taxes and fees may be applicable to rental income generated by the property.


The first step of buying land in Costa Rica is finding the perfect plot for your budget and requirements. Once suitable land is found, the process typically takes around 1 month, as per the following timeframes:

  • Inspection and due diligence (2 weeks)
  • Contracts (1 week)
  • Money transfer (1 week)

Timeframes can vary for many reasons, but the above timeline is typical for most our clients.

Once land has been purchased, you can then begin with the fun process of architectural design and planning with us.

The expected sustainable growth rate in Costa Rica is a good thing for someone who wants to invest in real estate because it indicates that the country has a stable and growing economy, which makes it a good place to invest in real estate and other investments.

But generally speaking, Costa Rica is a safe country in which to travel, live or buy property — no less so than anywhere else. Of course, you should be very careful when buying property in Costa Rica to make sure you get what you thought you were getting. Beware of scams and schemes to take advantage of foreigners.

Property taxes in Costa Rica are in general very low – only . 25% of the registered property value. Some very large and luxurious properties are subject to a Luxury Tax that is based on a calculation that includes such features as structure size and finishings (ie travertine floors, imported faucets).

Although recommended, the answer is no.  The closing can be executed through a Power of Attorney with a third party in Costa Rica that you trust.  This Power of Attorney can be specifically for the sole purchase and signing the closing document.  Another option is to DHL or FedEx the documents after signing them in front of a licensed Notary Public at your nearest Costa Rica Consulate. Considering the cost of the shipping and the distance to the nearest Costa Rica Consulate, many buyers fly down and sign in person.


All titled properties are registered in the Registro Nacional or National Registry located in Zapote, San Jose, Costa Rica.  There are satellite offices of the “Registro” around the country in larger cities.  This is the agency that keeps the public, property record with the owner’s name or corporate name, any liens, mortgages, or damages against the property.  In order to transfer a registered property the recorded owner must appear before a Notary Public and that signed documentation is then presented and recorded in the National Registry.

Exceptions: (1) Concession property located in the Maritime Terrestrial Zone (MTZ); which is the 200 meters from the median high tide mark on both Pacific and Caribbean coasts.  The first 50 meters is public zone and free for the public to enjoy, where as the remaining 150 meters is the restricted zone where concession property can be granted by the local municipality.   Although there can be titled property with the MTZ, it is very rare and may have been titled since before the MTZ was put in place; but should be carefully investigated by your Costa Rica attorney to insure the validity and legality of the title.

Concession property is registered in different section of the National Registry called the Concession Registry and has an independent registration number.  Concession property is typically used for tourism and if this type of property is a consideration, then it is highly recommended your attorney review the concession and feasibility of your plans for the property before pursuing it further.

(2) There are also Possession Properties, which are untitled and are not registered in the National Registry.  These properties can obtain title through a lengthy process and if they comply with certain requirements; one of which is a minimum possession of 10 years.  These types of properties are the most risky and professional legal counsel is needed in this situation to advise if receiving title is possible before even considering such a property.


All registered properties have a folio real number (i.e. 6-123456-000) of which the first number represents the province where it is located, the second refers to the specific folio property number, and the third to the property rights as in number of owners (000 means only one owner).


You can go to the National Registry: http://www.rnpdigital.com/index.htm where anyone can check the status of a property.  Go to “Sistema de Certificaciones y Consultas Gratuitas” on the top left side of the webpage.  A new tab will open and then first time users will have to go to “Registrarse por Primera Vez” in the top left hand portion of the page.  After filling out the form you will receive an email and click on the link and enter your user email and password on the left hand side under “Ingreso para Usuarios Registrados”.  Then go to “Consultas Gratuitas” on the left hand side and next you will see a list of all the types of “Consultas” you can do for “Bienes Immuebles” (Real Estate).  To obtain a certified property report click on “Consulta por Numera de Finca”.  After this, you will have to enter the number of the property’s province or “Provincia” (first number of the Folio Real number on the Plano), the folio real number of the property (middle numbers of the Folio Real number on the plano), and the number of the property right “derecho” (which is the last 3 digits of the Folio Real number on the Plano). Once you enter the said information click on the “Consultar” (consult) button.  A certificate with all the information of the property will appear on the screen.

Costa Rica is, by far, the best place to invest in Central America. Almost 60 years of democratic tradition, a nonexistent army, 97% literacy, and a prosperous, fast developing country makes buying and investing attractive. Costa Rica is a great place to retire or raise a family. An ecologically oriented country, Costa Rica offers beautiful national parks, amazing beaches, wonderful adventure sports, and relaxation. Here you will enjoy the advantages of living in the tropics with all the conveniences of a developed country.

The amount of land required will depend on the size of the villa you want to build. In most cases, the amount of land required to build will be smaller than you may think.

If you are looking to invest in Costa Rica property, you will want to maximise your land use for the highest return on investment. 

ational parks, reserves and refuges

Costa Rica has protected approximately 28% of its land in national parks, reserves, and wildlife refuges. Just under half of this (12 %) is in a system of national parks. These parks are spread throughout the country in many different ecoregions.

First: After you have found the right property with your Real Estate agent, have them submit an Offer to Purchase (also known as a Letter of Intent) to the Seller or the Seller’s listing agent in order to agree upon the sales price and basic terms of the deal.

Second: Once the Offer is accepted, you take it to your Costa Rica attorney and they draft the formal Sale and Purchase Agreement.  This document is a legally binding document, and it clearly states all conditions necessary for the transfer of the deed.

Third: The period of Due Diligence, which is the complete legal research of the property to insure there are no liens, contingencies, legal issues, and that it has absolute fee simple title.  Surveys, soil tests, home inspections, and other studies requiring professional services are included in this period.  If the property is being sold with an existing company, then the research of the company for any legal contingencies will also be completed during Due Diligence.

Fourth: The Closing (conveyance of the deed) occurs before a Costa Rican Notary Public, who will register the property under the new company or owner.  Alternatively, if the property is being purchased with an existing company, then the shares of the company are transferred at this time by a Shares Transfer Agreement.  In this case the Notary Public will make the corresponding changes to the company’s ownership in the National Registry.

Fifth: Declaring the property before the corresponding Municipality for property tax purposes by filling out a simple form and presenting it along with the some other documents either yourself or through your attorney.

Yes, however, it is more common and recommended to acquire the property through a corporation in order to separate potential personal liabilities, facilitate the closing procedure, and allow for easier transfer to relatives in case of casualty.  The Costa Rica holding company will also make it easier to obtain services such as electricity and cell phones, as well as, opening a bank account.

Exception: A foreigner can only own up to 49% of the concession rights for a Concession Property within the Maritime Terrestrial Zone (MTZ).  Without getting too technical, the MTZ is limited to the area 200 meters from the median high tide line.  All other property outside of the 200-meter zone can be owned free and clear.

Every property acquisition in Costa Rica has to pay the following National Registry Fees:

Transfer Tax:  This is a national tax of 1.5% of the purchase price that is paid (by your lawyer) to the National Registry.  Prior to 2013, the cost for transferring the shares (instead of a direct property transfer) of the existing corporation to the new owner was significantly less.  Now in 2013, that option does not offer any significant financial savings.  These costs are often split by the Buyer and the Seller.

Legal Fees: for the purchase of property in Costa Rica are 1% to 2% depending on the sales price, complexity of the transaction, and the allotted time spent by the attorney on the deal.  Additional legal costs may include the formation of a Costa Rica corporation of around $600 USD; drafting of any supplementary contracts or Seller Financing Agreements and registering of such contracts; and translation of contracts into your native language.  The Buyer and Seller typically pat for the separate attorneys.  If one attorney is used by both Buyer and Seller, then some for these legal fees can be split.  However, the Buyer is usually solely responsible for starting a new company, any contracts for Seller Financing (if needed) and registration of those contracts, and translations if the Seller is Spanish speaking.

Lesser Fees include:

Registry: 5 colones per every 1,000 colones of purchase price

Municipal: 2 colones per every 1,000 colones of purchase price

Fiscal: a maximum of 625 colones

Bar Association: a maximum of 10,000 colones

Archive: 20 colones.

Other Closing Fees: may include topographer fees when you have the boundaries of the property (the cost of which varies depending on the size and terrain), soil tests, home inspections, etc.  These items are typically paid by the Buyer.

Total property transaction costs are about 4% of the property’s value, and are usually split 50/50 between buyer and seller.

The easiest way is to make an international wire transfer from your home bank to an escrow company in Costa Rica.  These registered companies are dedicated to protect funds and provide escrow services in Costa Rica. A direct wire transfer from the Buyer to the Seller can be done in certain cases.

Recorded and titled property has a plano catastro, also known as, a survey plan.  It details the boundaries of the property, the total size, ownership, the Folio Real number, and the date it was registered among other things. Planos, as they are referred to in Costa Rica, can be found in the Registro Nacional (Public Registry), as well as, at the municipality in which the property is located.


Property Tax:  This annual tax is 0.25% (one quarter of one percent) of the registered property value and are paid to the local Municipality for where the property is located.  These taxes are paid every 3 months or can be paid in full for the year in advance.  For example a $100,000 USD property pays $250 USD per year in Property Tax.  Low property tax is one of the many reasons to invest in Costa Rica real estate.

Corporation Tax: This new tax was passed in 2012, and it is a fixed fee of $180 USD for inactive corporations and $360 USD for active corporations.  Most properties are held in an inactive corporation, because it will not be reporting income.  If you have a rental property, you can open an additional, active corporation to report income and expenses.  These taxes are paid to the “Ministerio de Hacienda”.

Luxury Tax:  A tax levied against luxury homes valued at $250,000 USD and is also paid to the “Ministerio de Hacienda”.  This tax is around $2,500 and up depending on the registered value of the home.



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Our land acquisition team makes buying land in Costa Rica easy! From finding the ideal plot to advising on the different purchase options, we can take care of everything.


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